Consequence Ormus XLR digital Interconnect 110 ohm 1,0 meter

Ormus is the highest quality digital cable used In AES/EBU and DMX installations and is made of OCC copper. The cable is built of four separately-screened and helical-twisted wires. Each wire consists of three parallel conductors. Such structure eliminates mutual electric currents’ induction by the magnetic field of neighbouring wires. Research Has show that such structures doesn’t require additional filtering, hence instead of applying DFSS filtering we hale applied an unique FEP isolation of great density and electrical correctness. Each of the four conductors is separately protected against electromagnetic field by aluminium foil (100 % coverage).
The highest quality XLR plugs are gold-plated, which enhances the contact, and electric and mechanical properties of the cable. The cable provides the impedance of 110 OHM (measured decrease at 1% level).

The original cord is packed in a signed wooden box. The box includes the certificate of authenticity, a brochure with the description of the series, a product code and a personal quality assurance.

The cables are made in a standard lenght of 1 meter. Our cable's are made on request and the delivery time is about two or three weeks. Also above 3 meters is possible contact you dealer about the price.